Sweet Games - Season 1 : Episode 14


  • Drama

Nine years ago, An Ran was a senior at university. Beautiful and popular, her college junior Yan Yue was just one of many young men who had a crush on her. Now, almost a decade later, An Ran has become a career-driven entrepreneur. She dreams of rising to the top of the business world. But when she tries to pull over a stunt aimed at wooing potential investors, her bluff is exposed and she loses her chance. That night, she gets drunk and stumbles into a “romantic” evening with her landlord – unaware that he is actually her college junior or that he has had feelings for her for years! Yan Yue is secretly a very successful voice actor. As destiny would have it, he is also a partner on a new project An Ran is about to start work on. All this means that Yan Yue and An Ran have no choice other than to spend more time together. Yan Yue is delighted about all of this: He has never stopped liking An Ran. But could she also feel the same way about him?

Season 1 Episodes


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